On the way out to the bar, i turned around and grabbed my camera. i told my friend michelle me and erin would be over in ten minutes. We parked on the street next to her house and while walking up to her house we noticed the perfectly lit up tennis courts. we both looked at eachother and ran across the street. i had 5 missed calls from michelle asking what happened to me. little did she know i got lost in the tennis courts across the street. the rest of these photos are in the shorescrew post. and the ones in this cafe are my sister erin, wasted, eating a veggie bagel while we waited for AAA to come unlock my car because maybe i locked my keys in my car...
as ive preached, there is never a moment where a picture cant be created. there is nothing more beautiful than a womans body and in these shots, my friend christiana, a bottle of cheap white wine, and a few bubbles will you show that better than ever.